Jesus’ Disappointing Church Visit

2/2/2025 Jesus, who was becoming quite a celebrity throughout Galilee, was finally coming to visit his home church. The visit, which was greatly anticipated by all, ended up being a great disappointment for all. How will it be for us this Sunday, when Jesus comes to visit CenterPointe – our home church? Main Scripture: Luke […]

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Preparing the Way for the Waymaker

12/8/2024 John the Baptist, a “miracle” baby, was born to be the one to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. We who are Christ’s followers have the same calling today. What can you and I learn from John that will enable us to succesfully prepare the way for the Waymaker? Main […]

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The Mindset That Leads to Greatness

10/12/2024 In a critical and combative election year it is vital that we focus on how Christians can impact our strongly divided nation in a truly God-honoring way. In this first message of the series we will see that the road to greatness is built on character, not criticism. Main Scripture: Phillipians 1:27-2:11

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